I'm joining my dear author friends Aleisha Gore and Amanda A. Brooks for an e-bookTWITTER PARTY!!!!!! It's this Thursday night (November 15), from 7-8 PM Pacific Time.
1. Click on our pictures and follow all three of us!
2. Click on our book covers and LIKE our books on Amazon!
3. Invite your friends by sharing this post on Twitter, Facebook, or your favorite social media network. You can also join the via our Facebook event and invite all your Facebook friends that way!
4. RSVP by leaving a comment with your Twitter handle on this post!
That's it! Then just show up on Twitter on Thursday night, November 15, from 7pm to 8pm Pacific time (10-11pm Eastern) using the hashtag #ebookparty. Ask the authors questions or tweet about your favorite ebooks you've read recently.
BEST PART: Followers who fully participate are eligible to WIN FABULOUS PRIZES!
1st Prize: The latest ebook from each of the three participating authors!
2nd Prize: Your choice of any one of the the three participating authors' latest ebooks!
Plus free music downloads for ALL participants, courtesy of Byron Gore! Yay!
Looking forward to seeing you at the PARTTTTTTYYYYY!!!
(UPDATE: Note that the previously announced grand prize for this event has been eliminated, but the free music downloads from Byron Gore for all party guests has been added in its place. North Pole High apologizes for any inconvenience this causes.)
http://bitly.com/SW3Jvl Please take note in prize change.